If you love cooking and baking and have ever found yourself looking for measurement conversions or recipes, Alexa can help!
I've had my Amazon Echo for a few years now. Having to have the newest gadget, I pre-ordered mine. Since then Alexa has been my right hand gal. I take her with me when we go on our two week vacation. She gets packed along with my bread machine and my Instant Pot. It might sound silly, but that's really what I do!
The Echo is a great resource and tool for questions you may want to look up but aren't near a computer, or your hands are already occupied.
Her newest skill is to be able to call friends and family who also have an Echo or Echo Dot! At $49 for the Dot, it would make a great gift for family and friends!
You will find product comparisons at the very bottom of this Amazon page.
For recipes, you can ask her to look up a recipe for say, banana bread. She will rattle it off, you can say "Alexa pause" if she's going too fast.
If you don't have all the ingredients, you can ask her to put "bananas" on your shopping list.
If you need a measurement conversion, just ask Alexa.
If you are looking for a specific item, for example a 6 inch springform pan, you can ask "Alexa how much is a six inch pan on Amazon?"
She will list them, and then ask "Would you like to buy it?
The longer I have it, the more uses I find for it. Almost every day, I get an email from Amazon stating new skills she is capable of doing. She can even read you books you have purchased from Amazon. She is very user friendly.
Alexa can reorder items that you have in your past Amazon orders. Sometimes Amazon will offer a $10 incentive when you use Alexa to reorder.
On the lighter side, she will tell you jokes, wish you good night, sing you a song.
I highly recommend you give her a try, I think you'll love her as much as I do!
Now let's get to the Instant Pot Salt Potatoes!
With all the positive reviews on the salt potatoes on the Facebook Instant Pot Community Page,
when I saw them for sale at Walmart (salt was included)I had to give them a try.
They came out great! Very creamy, soft, mashed potato texture.
I couldn't wait, ate one right out of the pot. I don't recommend it.
They came out great! Very creamy, soft, mashed potato texture.
I couldn't wait, ate one right out of the pot. I don't recommend it.
I tossed it around in my mouth, breathing in and out till it was cool. Don't ask me why I just didn't spit it out, but I didn't. 
I did this:
1. Pour 4 cups tepid water in your pot.
2. Dissolve 1 cup fine table salt in 2 cups very hot water, add to the instant pot.
3. No trivet needed. Add 5 pound bag salt potatoes from Walmart (they were a bit smaller than a tennis ball)
4. Set 3 minutes manual setting, 17 minutes natural release, then pulse the remaining pressure out. Drain and serve with melted butter.
Serve whole or cut in half and mash.

I did this:
1. Pour 4 cups tepid water in your pot.
2. Dissolve 1 cup fine table salt in 2 cups very hot water, add to the instant pot.
3. No trivet needed. Add 5 pound bag salt potatoes from Walmart (they were a bit smaller than a tennis ball)
4. Set 3 minutes manual setting, 17 minutes natural release, then pulse the remaining pressure out. Drain and serve with melted butter.
Serve whole or cut in half and mash.
I used this Instant Pot. Amazon has sold over 20,000! It is the most popular model. If you have any questions or comments, or have tried this recipe, send me a comment.